Ramblings from the Batcave...17th June 2008
Posted by: InkblotDaymn... I like writing Luthor's dialogue, man. If I were Supes and Luthor dissed me like in the page above, I think I'd have heat visioned his eyebrows off or sumpthin'. Hurhur...
Anyhoo, I bought some stuff over the weekend that I'd like to show off here.
The Astonishing X-Men!

I got them when I was out and about with the missus during the weekend when we stumbled upon this toy fair thing. I got them for a steal (I did some online research and some fellas are hawking them online for obscene prices) so wooooooohoooooooo!!!
Yep, then I introduced 'em the some of the gang.

Can anybody say Marvel vs Nintendo vs Disney brawl? :P