Ramblings from the Batcave...6th June 2008
Posted by: InkblotHiya guys...
Another late update... There's gonna be lots of those coming up so I apologize in advance...
Been a busy busy week for me. My parents opened a lil food business thingie so I've been helping design the signs and stuff, which took up a fair bit of my time.
The biggest news of the week is that my final results came out. I am graduating with a Bachelor of Arts with Second Upper Class honours. Yeah, it came as a big shock to me too. I never dared dream of such results so Alhamdulillah. All praises be to Him for looking out for me.
I wanted to do an Indy Jones movie review but I'm just kinda tired now so I'll save it for next time.
Have a good weekend, y'all.