Ramblings from the Batcave...4th February 2008
Posted by: InkblotFirst of all I'd like to say hello to my lecturer's son, an aspiring comic artist, who reads this web comic...
Don't forget to enter the contest! :D
Secondly, the nice people at
gmtristan.com featured my comic on their site! (click
here to read it!) Thanks, dudes! :D
Thirdly, the contestants for the weekly contest seems to have slowed down this week... -_-'
No worries though, coz we still have winners!!! :D
This week's winners are :
ataradan, who requested
kris, who requested
Red Hood (Jason Todd)!
Check out your prizes in the Gallery!
(click the link at the top of the page)
Alrighty people, I've added a banner to the weekly contest above. Click it to enter the contest (or the 'Comments' link just below this entry). Simply leave a comment and make a request for a character to be chibi-fied... Simple as that!
Have a good week ahead! :D