Ramblings from the Batcave...6th January 2008
Posted by: InkblotSalutations Chibi-fans!
Isn't that Bizzaro so darn cute? I've decided to make him
not do that backwards speaking thing that he's supposed to do (this is me explaining in an attempt to pre-empt potential flak from purist fanboys... :P). Personally, I found that way of talking rather confusing (and lots of times it detracted from my understanding and enjoyment of the story coz I didn't understand what he was saying... -_-').
Thus, my version of Bizzaro has the personality and mentality of a small child. I'm rather partial to this interpretation as I've always seen Bizzaro as a victim of circumstance rather than an outright supervillain; and as you will see as the story progresses, this interpretation will be a key point in both the development of the plot and the character.
Anyhoo, the (most possibly) final semester of my academic life will begin tomorrow! Woohoo! Can't wait to graduate, I tells ya.
See you guys next week!
[updated on 7th January 2008]
I had to do this unprecedented update just to pimp bro Naguib's ambigram blog (go see the
comments section for the reason). For those of you familiar with Dan Brown's
Angels & Demons (which is where I first learnt about ambigrams) you know that an ambigram is a nifty way of designing the typography of a word so that it is readable both right side up and upside down. I'll show you an example.
The following animation shows an ambigram I did of my name :

Freaky huh?
Well you should really check out bro Naguib's ambigram blog at
nagfa.blogspot.com to see some designs that will totally BLOW your mind. Oh, did I mention that John Langdon knows him and holds him in high esteem?
Yes kiddies, THAT John Langdon.
So watcha waiting for? Scoot over to
his site now!