Ramblings from the Batcave...31st December 2007
Posted by: InkblotWhoa, it's already the last day of 2007! Soon enough 2008 will be upon us and yet another exciting year will begin. 2008 will be an eventful year for me as I'll finally be graduating university! WOOHOOOO!!!
Anyhoo, Kris of
Holy Webcomic, Batman! gave me my first ever review over at
OnlineComics.net and had some kind words to say about my webcomic so I thought I'd give a mention of his comic here. It's funny and its got decent art so I recommend you guys check it out over at
http://www.holywebcomicbatman.comIn other news, I added an 'About' section so check it out ya?
I'll leave you with something I was messing around with after reading back issues of my Udon Street Fighter comics.

Have a Happy New Year!
I'll see you guys next week!