Ramblings from the Batcave...9th March 2008
Posted by: InkblotAlrighty, so that's how it ends.
The Joker shoots Batman in the head after savagely beating him to a bloody pulp.
The forces of evil prevail and cute lil bunnies everywhere fear for their lives.
Well, we'll have to wait till next week to see what happens next! :D
Anyhoo, let's announce da winnahs fer this final week of the contest!
They are :
qayyum, who requested
Clone Spider-Man (aka Ben Reilly)!
matt, who requested
Congratulations, dudes!
View your cards in the gallery.
A bit of sad news I'd like to share, the
comic book shop that I patron is closing down. It's quite sad really coz the owner, Colin, is a decent guy. Not like some ABSOLUTE-ly appalling owners of some other comic book stores. He even got me Kurt Busiek's autograph on my Superman annual when the dude was in town last month. So Colin dude, I wish you all the best for the future.
On the same note, he's having an 'everything-must-go' typa sale going on so I bought some action figures that I've been eye-ing for a VERY long time now. Colin gave me a very good price for them (thanks dude!) so I'm very happy with my purchase. I'm a HUGE fan of
Ed Mcguinness and I've been collecting figures that are based on his art. Have a looksee...

WOOOHOOOOO!!! The League is now complete. I bought Supes, Bats and Wonder Woman quite some time ago. The rest I've been lusting over for some months now. But now I have 'em all! Here's a shot of them with Luthor and Joker...

Daymn, they look GOOD!!!
Haha... alrighty, enough geek-asming from me for the moment.
See you guys, in 7!